Friday, April 29, 2011

Lab Report On Diffusion

@ S (Aurea Maria Borrego Moreno)

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the PSOE's electoral list Aljarafe eggs of the next municipal elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and commitment to work by their neigh @ s .

Aurea María Moreno Borrego

Diploma in Teaching

Simplicity, honesty, responsibility, commitment, education, respect .., qualifying them all, and many more, applicable to the personality of Aurea, which has come to be the 1 st Deputy Mayor in recent years.

We are facing a person who radiates confidence on all sides, is where the group is supported to seek their advice or point of view that is almost always decisive in making decisions.

profound conviction progressive philosophy and approach to life who tries to bring to their daily work and, despite many difficulties and the heavy responsibilities that he has had to assume, has done with integrity.

represents Today for all the great value of the PSOE in eggs of the Aljarafe and I won with courage and with great desire to continue improving the lives of their neigh @ s.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Peeing Alot And Stomach Hurts

MEET CANDIDATE ATUS @ S (Soraya Salas Bejarano)

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s .


Superior Tecnico Laboratory. Clinical analysis

is the youngest of l @ s @ condidat the PSOE presented to the upcoming municipal elections. Will have important responsibilities in the organization of work. In the various socialist governments young people has always played a fundamental role and further next.

We have an intelligent woman with a university education prepared and ready to engage with its neighbors @ s to work on developing our people.

you enjoy working with young people, understand, and therefore wants be in the right place at the City Council to implement policies that serve to enhance the possibilities and opportunities for young people with eggs Aljarafe.

His contagious enthusiasm and desire to drag others. Despite his youth, knows what she wants and is willing to take responsibility for the common good of tod @ s.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Snow Log Cabin Honeymoon Usa

stalled in support of Alfredo

Caracas 27/04/1911. (PS) .- Vargas Hospital Workers on Wednesday halted their activities for two hours in support of the hunger strike that kept the nurses at the national level and up at noon after 38 days of fasting.

The hospital currently operates 20 percent of its total capacity, reduced its activity to the emergency area, while staff workers, nurses and doctors were feeling their discomfort with the situation they had to carry nurses located at the gates. Brazilian Embassy in Caracas to be heard.

The opportunity also served to protest all the deficiencies that have the centennial hospital product of what some regarded as "deliberately abandoned by the national government to promote the parallel system called Barrio Adentro health."

Paul Zambrano, leader Movement Association and member of the independent autonomous health workers, MAITRASS said it was in a meeting held on Tuesday, that all workers "Approved halt its activities in support of courageous group of nurses who risk it all, defied the authorities health in Venezuela for the injustice that has been making them all these years. "

Regarding the situation in the Hospital Vargas, Pablo Zambrano said the government has placed a "technical closure" by neglect exists in all areas, coupled with the slow pace of remodeling jobs that never end and that move from contractor contractor without some type of comptroller.

"Recently there was a robbery in the annex to the Vargas Hospital, where, apart from what they took, cruelly destroyed facilities and medical records and so far has not submitted any security agency to verify what happened. We are abandoned to our fate by the State but in the same way we maintain the fight to prevent the closure of this major medical center in the Capital, "he said.

added that hospital workers have understood that unity is necessary to give the struggle to rescue the health centers in the country. "The unity of all workers medical, workers and is allowing us to confront and defeat this policy which seeks to destroy our hospitals. The government must understand that oil resources are to be divided among Venezuelans, including the hospital network in Venezuela. "

concluded by saying "We as an example the situation that arose with the Comptroller General of the Republic, Russian Clodosvaldo where does it lead? A two clinics. It was not a CDI, or Barrio Adentro, much less the Hospital Vargas. Is there a right to health and life for some himself and not others? Are the injustices of course that preaches socialism Hugo Chavez's government. "

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda

Pink Mucus Before Period Due

@ KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE S (Francisco Martín González Bejarano) KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neighbors @ s.

Francisco Martín González Bejarano

Student UNED

key part in the gear of the governing Socialists over the past eight years. Knows perfectly the functioning of the municipal structure.

is guilty largely on the industrial development of eggs of Aljarafe and improvement in infrastructure and public facilities with which we now have, because in those fields has been carrying out its functions.

This is a hard worker, a day missing hours to dedicate to neighbors @ s Egg. Never sleeps, is always active mind, thinking about how to improve the services it is responsible.

Not afraid to take responsibility, just the opposite. Their commitment is beyond question. Enjoy doing his job, surrendering body and soul. It is also an excellent companion, impossible to imagine the team without him.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dizzy After Getting Off Of Treadmill

nurses strike Ramos "Pyrrhic not cover increased 50 percent market basket" of the banker

Caracas 26/04/1911. (PS) .- As a "new trick" described on Tuesday the deputy Alfredo Ramos, the minimum wage increase announced by President Hugo Chavez on national television on Monday 25. "He mocks workers with a pyrrhic increase not enough to buy 50 percent of the basket which already exceeds 6 000 Bolivares Fuertes.

"The president intends to once again to coax the country's workers say that with this increase in the minimum wage now have the world's highest wages. Nothing could be farther from reality. In 2010, inflation was in the order of 27 percent and the estimate for 2011 is projected at 30 percent, and pulverized This has eroded the real wages of workers, "he said.

stressed, "This increase of 15 percent for the month of May and 10 percent for September is rejected by the workers and not enough to overcome the deterioration of wages, brutal product of inflation, devaluation currency and the elimination of the dollar preference for food and medicine. "

charged that instead of increasing, Hugo Chavez announced was "wages only in Venezuela, which he said," By making only minimum wage salaries, has created a distortion in the other the wage of workers in the government, since most earn the national minimum wage, as we see in the case of nurses and other professionals who are affected in their income because they did not discuss the collective agreements. "

"All the conventions collective in Venezuela are due. 7 years public employees have 4 years workers in basic industries and workers 12 years of education and health care workers without discussing any kind of collective bargaining and the President only limited each year to give a minimum wage increase " .

believed that President Chavez made a "poor copy" of proposals to La Causa R has done in relation to the reform of the Food Act and the benefit of retirees and pensioners Cestaticket. "It only took the proposal to provide universal character to the law of supply and Cestaticket for active workers but excluded to 2 million 200 thousand pensioners and retirees who have been claiming this benefit as an act of justice for those who have to spend almost all their income on medicine and health.

announced that there will soon be a new mobilization of older adults to the National Assembly in order to deliver more signatures endorsing the request made by this important sector of the country to amend the Food Act in their favor .

He called on the deputies of the ruling party to fulfill its role as legislator, "work based on the people who elected them and not continue to maintain servile attitude to the Head of State not to discuss the social laws which both claim the people of Venezuela. "

invited all Venezuelans to march on May 1 from the Lido to CANTV Center on Avenida Libertador. "Today more than ever there is sufficient reason for workers and retirees to protest, demanding the government a general increase in salaries and wages for all workers. Also requires the National Assembly to discuss the reform of the Food Act and in support of the struggle being carried out by nurses to protect their labor rights. "

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda

Hot To Get Pikachu In Crystal

@ S (Gloria Iglesias García)

I want to present all l @ s s comrades who make up the PSOE's electoral list of eggs of the next Aljarafe municipal elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s.

GLORIA Iglesias Garcia

worker in the trade sector

We are facing a new young face on the lists of the Socialist Party, which is not militant. But if you have progressive ideas and an obsession to make things better over all.

is a fighter, not afraid of any challenge that comes your way, loudly and always look forward with optimism. And this is what actually transmits the group they already belong. Has very strong convictions that are trying to move the rest.

His spirit of improvement is commendable. It is smart, capable and aware that there are things to improve and worth fighting to get them. So he accepted the challenge of being part of the lists of the PSOE to collaborate in the process of change that have propelled the Socialists.

Life has often difficulties with fortitude and a lot of work goes ahead, this is the slogan of this woman, if you fall there to get up again.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Is There Zinc In Cetraben Emollient?

CONE your candidates @ S (Lumbreras Ana Maria Arias) KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE

I want to present l @ s everyone s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s.

Lumbreras Ana Maria Arias

Diploma in Social Work

Leads directly managing two terms as full satisfaction of the City Council social services. With it has grown significantly the care of local citizens. That is your calling, be with the people with their problems, their concerns.

is tough at work, wasted a momentum and a force that pulls absolutely contagious tod @ s s their comrades in a completely positive inertia. It is an extremely valuable piece within the team. Knows how to work in groups and has very clear what the ultimate goal, the people.

know to get the most out of public resources to properly address all areas of your workspace. Not afraid to take on increasing responsibilities.

His intelligence and his energy whenever he uses to try to make life easier for people who have more difficulties in our village. Willing to take on new challenges in municipal management.

Friday, April 22, 2011

How Big Is Jonny Holmes

@ S (Francisco Javier Hernandez Reinoso)

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s.

Francisco Javier Hernandez Reinoso

Teaching Degree

many years experience in public administration, although it is still young. From a very young age has the itch to put local politics in the body and can not draw, because their public service role is innate.

Has been devoted in recent years a number of key tasks on one hand, promoting the sport to the entire population, by implementing various sports schools and sports programs from the public school where a teacher. In this area there has been a substantial and palpable.

Another of their missions is education, to which he devotes his life. Is clear that more knowledge, more equal opportunities. Work for l @ s s obesity of our people have the best education possible under the best conditions possible. One of those who think you have to encourage them children s all activities that allow for full development as a person.

He fought as any to achieve the great goal of tod @ s, the construction of a new school for our people. Many meetings, interviews and negotiations have taken place to make that dream a reality.
is a good person, liked within the group socialist labor. His commitment to the PSOE is total and absolute. Feel proud to see how we transforming the reality of our people little by little, that he is a key architect. Continue to make their mark on the working group from a different but equally valuable as before. Javi count in the group is an honor for everyone s.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Protein Shakes And Chest Pain

Cesar Camejo Case in Grade 33 of Globovisión

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Invitation Card Death Anniverasy

Leocenis Garcia Cardinal Urosa matches on prison issues

Caracas 04/20/1911. (PS) .- Journalist Leocenis Garcia, attended on Wednesday at the Basilica of Santa Teresa to encounter the Nazareno de San Pablo, was done while the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Urosa Sabino, who devoted his sermon to make a called to recognize Jesus without political overtones, ask for the reform of the country's prison system and to ensure humane conditions in prisons a common criminal and political prosecution.

stressed "I came to thank the Nazareno de San Pablo for my release in July after an unjust and illegal imprisonment to which I was subjected. I take this opportunity to present before the image of the Nazarene on behalf of all political prisoners and persecuted those who find it impossible to attend this beautiful act of faith and ask them for their immediate release. "

"I feel fully identified with the message that Cardinal Urosa Sabino sent the faithful at Mass today, referring to the Venezuelan prison system. It is urgent that the prison population in Venezuela treated accordingly and with dignity, a word which by the way, loves those who run the current government that claims to be socialist but is far from being a government of equality for all, "he said.

said that although some believe that one should not mix politics with religion, "It is urgent that this government is avoque to address the problem of an overcrowded prison population and their families to whom they pay equal conviction each time they enter the various prisons of the country and receive all sorts of bad treatment and abuse. Have been successful the words of Cardinal. "

"Jesus said: Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness, for my sake. When defending the truth and honor, the struggle must have as its main objective to make these values \u200b\u200bwill prevail over lies, but this comes from those who govern us, "he said.

For the journalist, "Without justice there can be no peace and much of what is happening today in Venezuela have to do with the lack of justice for those who administer it. As we have seen in the case of Congressman José Sánchez Mazuco and Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni, to cite two examples. "

Leocenis Garcia thanked the homily Cardinal Urosa said that according to "The prison population has always been abandoned to their fate in the country."

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda

Can You Become Addicted To Lorzapan


I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the PSOE's electoral list with eggs Aljarafe in the next municipal elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s.

M ª del Valle Dávila Moreno

Diploma in Teaching

Education has been Councilman various legislatures, always working closely with the youngest of the municipality and ensuring that education in eggs of the Aljarafe was always the best.

is an example of working women, indoors, significant family responsibilities and out, is a teacher at the local bar association. That has not prevented him being part of the working groups of the various socialist governments in recent years, contributing its experience and knowledge to be at all times.

Enjoy watching them children s Egg by all kinds of activities, cultural, sporting, educational, entertainment, ... such as good teacher knows that most kids help @ to enhance their capabilities is the best way to educate them.
is a nice and educated woman can play the role it plays at all times, always bringing positive things for their neighbors @ s.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Patricia Bath's Husband

@ S (Manoli Vasquez Reinoso) KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s .

Manoli Reinoso Vasquez

; ; Assistant tailoring, housewife.

first is incorporating the PSOE list and does so with a wild desire to contribute important things to help improve the living conditions of l @ s neigh @ s of the town. Has its particular view of things and wants to contribute.

She is a nice and pleasant, very intelligent who loves to live in this town that we are slowly transforming the Socialists with their daily work. She is an example a person who came to this town a few years ago and has lived in first person all the changes taking place and they are making eggs a better place every day.

His desire is to contribute their bit to contribute to these processes of change and transformations so that we can move forward in developing our people.

His affable manner makes it fit perfectly, no problem, the dynamics performance of a group that was already consolidated. They want to have your add to the illusion of everyone s to move forward.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Example Letter Of Interest Sorority Alpha Kappa

Nicaragua, viewed from the left. Electronic voting

Do not miss this interesting text, written by a fellow blogger, but blogger K, in Nicaragua:

In the new process that is underway in Latin America is readjusting the theory to reality and characteristics of each nation that practices it, then we can assume that the theoretical Socialism and Socialism have Bureaucratic birth to an idiosyncratic ¹ \u200b\u200bSocialism, one that pursues the domain of social justice according to the sociocultural characteristics of the society that exercise. In that sense, the theory and resulting in prominent ideologues continue to develop the same, but with a new subject that is to involve the bases, which in fact has built around a collective will to transform

social ... Follow here. I found thanks to our friend Baleno, if it is an evil blogger K.

Ultra Dock With Ata Drive

@ S (Rocío Fernández Gonzalez)

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s

Rocío Fernández González

Baccalaureate. COU

has been occupying the third Deputy Mayor's Office and managed the social area, dedicated primarily to social services, with notable success. The number of users has tripled in recent times.

also had other tasks and to collaborate actively with all associations and groups in the town, especially to women and to implement the Equality Plan. In the last ten years of policies of equality, the reality of women has changed completely and achievements are very important. As she likes to say, "we have overcome barriers."

Rocío is a quiet-looking woman with a fine sense of humor, hard working and that is very clear that the City has been to serve others above of all things.

It has a nice treatment that makes him a very dear by the people he knows to listen and is always willing to try to find the best solution.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Make A Horse Out Of Playdough


I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neighbors @ s.

Filiberto Catalan Salas

Worker in the hospitality sector. Pensioner.
Submit Filiberto is very easy because we are talking about a simple and friendly person that has maintained a deal with educated people. This is another of the veterans who have the PSOE in its ranks and feels immensely proud.

There is a catchphrase of "Fili" that defines all its huge municipal work over several legislatures, "we must take to the street culture" and that is what he has done. In Huévar culture is now a matter of course and thanks to the effort that once embarked on this council.

is strong, has managed to recover and fight hard in the blows that life has given him. Where you leave a lot of friends and colleagues who have admired him as a person and his ability to overcome that always infects everyone else.

He has worked and works to maintain the customs and traditions of our town, those who gives us our true identity and why we know beyond our city limits. Loves his people.

also learned to step back in time, leaving future generations to throw the car down the path he had left. One hundred percent liberal mentality that takes pride gala. How he likes to say, "health and freedom."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silverrom For Desmume

FADESS gives support to nurses on hunger strike Leocenis

Caracas 04/14/1911. (PS) .- Pablo Castro, director of Labor Education and member of the Independent Front in Defense of wages, employment and the union, FADESS, said Thursday its full support and backing for nurses who hold national strike hungry for 25 days as a mechanism of protest against the indifference of the national Government to meet their labor demands.

Castro noted, "The support is unrestricted FADESS conflict between workers of nursing, to the abuse and denial of the Minister of Health, Eugenia Sader, not to respond to the petition that the workers are doing well of violating what the Vice Minister of Health agreed with the mediation committee at the time to correct this situation. What has forced mobilization at the national level is the point of reaching an active strike without affecting the hospital emergency. "

"The various unions that are part of the Independent Front in Defense of wages, employment and the union have accompanied workers who are on hunger strike. For this reason we make a demand to the rest of civil society to be aware of these partners because the struggle of health workers is the struggle for the health of the Venezuelan people, "he said.

For the union leader, what happens to nurses today is the living example of what other sectors are not heard by the national government. "This abuse is the same as living the judicial sector workers, public, and Guyana to name three examples in front of a government that is dedicated to giving away much money overseas as we feel the hardships of shortages of essential goods need, repression and lack of spaces for discussion and dialogue. "

Preparations for the May 1

Pablo Castro said that preparations for the departure of the workers this May 1 is on track to be the trade unions who work in it and confirmed to be an event "unitary." "Venezuelan workers have every reason to go. We are in a difficult situation by the economic siege in which we have the national government and the denial of basic rights for workers: freedom of association and collective bargaining is not disputed for over of 4 years. "

"The mobilization of May 1 and will be uniform across sectors of the country's trade union, student sectors, civil society and democratic parties in order to give a show of force to contain the offensive anti-worker of this government," he said .

"This will be fighting on May 1, present in the streets to stop the destruction of democratic spaces. March from El Centro Lido to CANTV headquarters on Avenida Libertador. All workers will move to Caracas to the national march of national protest in defense of fundamental rights and spaces democratic government that seeks to deny, "he concluded.

Pablo Castro was accompanied by Paul Zambrano, Rodrigo Penso, Froilan Barrios, Johnny Magdaleno and Dick Guanique entity other union leaders.

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity @ juanjoseojeda

Where Can I Watch South Park On My Ipod Touch

@ S (Juan Manuel Cárdenas Pozo) KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neighbors @ s.

Juan Manuel Cárdenas Pozo

Teaching Degree

To discuss ownership of this candidate, you must first remove their hats because we are above all a gentleman. Today is the candidate who most times PSOE has been in the lists (8 with these, though still young, from the first socialist victory in 1983, has held various positions in the lists and various municipal responsibilities .

He was Deputy Mayor Manuel Moreno until he retired and then continued with the next mayor until 2003, when he understood it was time to give way to new generations.

is an example of loyalty and party ideas. The Socialist Party is a party with more than 130 years of history that is full of people like Cardenas, absolutely devoted to ideals. His intelligence and understanding has allowed him to always know what place could be more últil his party, sometimes at the absolute forefront, in front and another in the rear, like now.

is a great example of sincerity, has earned the regard and always appreciated by everyone.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yahoo Answers Heather Brooke

@ S (Israel Álvaraez Bejarano) KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neighbors @ s.

Israel Bejarano Alvarez

Student Grade Geography and History.

Today it is the turn of Israel Alvarez, a young university student studying history at the University of Seville, a passion for new technologies. Despite his youth is an "old" team known that we are at City Hall as has already collaborated with us. For almost three years was devoted to developing Guadalinfo there a commendable task in constant contact with the neighbors @ s.

Their inclusion is a clear commitment to youth and renewal in the lists of the PSOE. Bring many things to future team, especially their unique culture and intelligence.

Israel is a young commitment comes from a progressive family, his father and was councilman after the first victory of the PSOE in Huévar around the year 1983 to 1991. At this time no member of the PSOE is therefore occupies a place in the list as an independent. Is able, affable and hardworking. He likes to be in touch with the people in this area has developed their work experiences.

hope a lot about him because it has sufficient capacity to deliver good work dedicated to solving problems in their neigh @ s. Drag us all with their huge desire to do things.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Letter Of Interest Sorority Alpha Kappa

The title is a liar, I'm not claiming anything. My eldest daughter, Gurises was cool , through the difficulty of finding work that has the current generation of veintimonedas, unwilling to eat and wage labor abuse involving the private sector . But betting on the future and live their life together by sharing their time with children My son-in these configurations that result from stepfamilies. Very cute twins who will soon more gurí to the category jar, on my tongue deep, already on the list of easter eggs these days is for purchase. The other was equally cool, but did not know, now works, commitment to study a rare and beautiful as art history and continues to grow. In Peru, the daughter of my wife, handmade in Cusco, has a baby girl named Eva, and has nothing to do with what pejota, which is a beautiful mix of Polish mulatto, Peru. Like many who live in our country. The generations that follow us are scattered increasingly, but are betting on the future. One begins to walk the grandparent. But, you know? I feel better than in the nineties, when the future promised us as the infinite repetition of a society without crisis.

Wrestler Wont Show Up Online

Garcia asked Defense inhibition of Judge Jesus Jimenez

Caracas 04/12/1911. (PS) .- Pedro Aranguren, Leocenis journalist's lawyer Garcia, introduced on Tuesday an appeal to the trial room 20 requesting the inhibition of Judge Jesus Jimenez, "On Leocenis manifestly enemy Garcia in the process that follows him and sided with the prosecution of shamelessly. "

"When Leocenis Garcia served two years unjustly imprisoned, the court stated that my client was responsible for its own procedural delays. Something unusual and can only be described as an aberration from the point of view of the Venezuelan legal system, "he said.

added that it was this same judge who repeatedly denied that precautionary measures were requested for the journalist and only when Leocenis Garcia held a hunger strike while in the Criminal Tocuyito "hardly" Jesus Jimenez gave him the benefit of trial.

"At a minimum the Constitution requires that trials must be conducted by impartial judges. Jesus Jimenez has shown throughout the process that ignores the basic subject of criminal proceedings. We appreciate your decency, modesty and abandon a cause which is not competent, "he said.

wondered "why this court have repeatedly refused out the cause of Leocenis Garcia? Will you have a clear interest in continuing this trial? ". He concluded by saying "When you go to a cause with an obviously biased judge and the defendant is convicted."

For its part, Leocenis Garcia claimed that citizens from the power have the right to rebellion. "This is a right that is in the 1999 Constitution and that is why I will not introduce me to a trial by a judge who decided that I should continue another year prison when he was two years in prison, something that is not allowed the Code of Procedure Criminal. "

recalled that after starting a hunger strike and pressure from journalists, the trial judge withdrew 20 of its arguments and granted the injunction. "Someday the Venezuelans have to rebuild this mess today means that justice is in the hands of the President of the Republic and the government he leads."

stressed that his case meets the same fate of cases of Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni, Otto Gebauer and dozens of political prisoners who have requested to be tried by judges impartial.

Garcia also recorded a letter from the Foundation Vigilante Venezuela that was extended an invitation to a forum on freedom of expression in Venezuela to be held in the coming weeks. "As you recall, I'm still reporting regime and not to leave the country."

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity

@ juanjoseojeda


The slaughter of April 11, 2002 was planned

The slaughter of April 11 was planned by ricardonunez

Crest Where To Buy In Singapore

Ivan Simonovis Editorials - April 2011

Baby Congratulations Message To Write In Books.


claims violations of due process and Cesar Camejo PERSECUTION AGAINST WHITE.


Miami, April 12, 2011

Venezuela Awareness Foundation, based in Miami, FL, included in the list of political prisoners businessman Cesar Camejo Blanco, who was arrested last January 23 at the International Airport Simón Bolívar Maiquetía without there being an arrest warrant against him, he was preparing to travel to Costa Rica. The businessman has been detained since then in the dungeons of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) in Caracas, accused of financial crimes.

Venezuela Awareness Foundation for the arrest of the banker and former president of Home Ownership CAS, who is accused of conspiracy and diversion of resources, it is blatantly illegal, because according to its president, Patricia Andrade, the crimes for he is accused Cesar Camejo not even exist in the Venezuelan judicial system. A complaint to the same effect was introduced last March 29 at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS by the attorney Camejo White, Asdrubal Aguiar, who maintains that his client was deprived of liberty without saying any previous investigation and that the defense has prevented access to all documents purporting to involve the banker. Cesar Camejo Blanco, has dual citizenship. Born in New York in 1964 and for this reason and considering that after his arrest hide political reasons, Venezuela Awareness Foundation is asking the intervention of the State Department and the U.S. Congress in this process. Cameron White is a shareholder of the 6th Power Weekly, publishing, criticism of the administration of President Hugo Chávez. In the past, Leocenis Garcia, director This weekly was also deprived of their liberty for political reasons, for violating the regulations imposed on the media by the Venezuelan government. The case will be presented the next day in Washignton. Media Coordinator, Solidarity Press 58-414-1248199 58-416-6220810 58-412-6220810 @ juanjoseojeda Sent from my BlackBerry from Movistar

How To Get Rid Of Tophi Nodules

@ S (Silvia Martínez Borrego)

I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the PSOE's electoral list with eggs Aljarafe in the upcoming municipal elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neighbors @ s.

Silvia Martínez Borrego

Student Teaching

This woman, the youngest of the government team has been responsible for developing policies related to new technologies. The main thing was to bring this practice to all people, so they do not locally produced digital divide, and no doubt it has succeeded, not in vain in the Municipal Center Guadalinfo currently exist virtually thousand users, a real outrage, making this center a point of reference for all the Aljarafe. Elderly, disabled, women, children, youth, ... all have gone through this Centre.

has turned the city hall on Certification Office, from municipal web different procedures can be performed via on-line, so does the Center Health.

also has launched cross-cutting policies on youth. This is almost all the strategies, initiatives and projects implemented by the government team has a special chapter for young people. When set up sports facilities to promote sports are thinking primarily in young people, where cultural and educational programs, activities, youth are priority target when the town developed industrially is to generate employment for young people Municipal Housing Plan is thinking of the young, ...

has collaborated actively in the organization of the municipal group, mainly in resource human. Contents related is pushing the information and communication of the City, especially the municipal website.

no doubt that young people and their way of seeing things through the prism of a vente ay is taking a very specific meaning to our very important government action for the future.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Disadvantages Of Application Server

KNOW your candidates @ S

Today we begin a new task is to present all compañer l @ s @ s make up the electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar PSOE in the next elections. In our town we all know is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neighbors @ s.

Luque Ignacio Rosado

Teaching Degree.

Luque Ignacio Rosado now part of the government team that came out after the 2007 elections. Has been in the past four years carrying out various tasks, is responsible cultural and as such has made a huge cultural activity in the population.

Filiberto Collect witness Salas Catalan, dedicated and always linked to cultural work and has met with a statement that the friend will Fili like to say, "take to the street culture." That was their assignment in this field and has served through an extensive program has made it possible to make culture accessible to all kinds of groups and individuals. The cultural activities of the municipality has grown exponentially in recent years.

was not the only task that has been devoted in recent years has also been one of its tasks dealing with associations, groups and fraternity to which he has devoted many hours to help them continue to promote activities that benefit everyone citizenship sl @ s @ s.

is also responsible for major festivals, where he has always sought to preserve our customs and traditions at all costs and work to improve them. Our customs are what defines us as a people, we want to grow while maintaining our identity.

municipal Within the group, had another important role, was assigned the task of trying to help new neigh @ @ s s integration into the life of the municipality. And, like all other council members, have attended a number of neigh @ s with attention to improve their living conditions.

In the PSOE list will go to the next election Ignacio Rosado ranks No. 5.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What Underwear Should You Wear With A Singlet'

PAMI. A New Paradigm? Press Freedom

The aim of this paper is to propose lines of research on the impact and changes that may be found in society from the progressive implementation of electronic voting system instead of the traditional cardboard ballot box our country. In March 2010, first made an election under this system with the full and undivided census gender, as previously had become isolated experiences in foreign patterns in different localities of the province of Buenos Aires. The question we try to answer is whether the change is merely technical, a simple replacement of the traditional wooden urn electronics that only contribute to increased speed and security in the act of counting votes and communicated or conversely, can expect changes in social practices that would bring the demise of the ballot sheet, eliminating the possibility of bringing the vote planned and prepared at home or from the interventionism of the leading politicians.

Categories To address these questions, we should first begin to define the concepts and categories involved. It is necessary to define what is electronic voting, who are the actors in the situation of an election and how we might find a change in voter behavior. then define e-voting as an electronic system for collecting votes. In this system, in principle, the implementation of info-communications technologies (ICT) is then limited to a system that applies to all or some of the activities of suffrage, such as identity verification, voting on electronic ballot, printing or not a check paper as proof, and global partial recount of votes and transmit results. and treatment in the discussion about the benefits and challenges of this new system actors involved in different fields representing the entire political system.
In the field of enforcement authorities are:

Ministry of Interior National Electoral Board
To complete the scenario are also the different political parties and voters finally appear. These have the disadvantage of third parties, individuals, who will have to talk to corporate policies and the state.
Finally, there is a change of behavior of the electorate. The first thing that emerges is that we inquire about the preferences for the previous election ballot, considered and made in advance, versus the choice, meditated or not, in the darkroom. With the results of such research can infer possible friction with a system that does not allow prior preparation of different options. These frictions are likely to increase further if current cut of ticket increases over time as the elector takes refinement or in constituencies such as CABA that may be more prone to it.
conflicts displayed in the first place are the result of the problems associated with the change. Custom and current electoral culture has set the idea of \u200b\u200bvoting as a private event where citizens can choose between a supply of ballots and then deposit his ballot in the box. Ensure that the voter change that habit for a transaction similar to the options menu of an ATM is the first hurdle to jump, where surely the age ranges and socio-cultural gap will play leadership roles. The usual practice of the voters, both individually and organized by political parties, to attend the event with pre-prepared ballot disappears, and a possible source of tension to resolve. It is undeniable the possibility of breaking the chain of power that does this practice promote some parties and harm others. Transparency is another place where you may see conflict, since society reasonably confident in the current system of individual count per table, school, district and telegrams of communication. The validation and control mechanisms developed by propis interested-parties-seem reasonable intevención with the competent authority. The possibility of an electronic data collection, but safe and reliable in terms of speed and inability of local manipulation, opens the door to a possibility of manipulation information center, so that the state must resolve the conflict over the veracity of the data before the mechanism to be adopted en masse. The choice of system, if contracted to a private company or is developed by the state, the electronic channels of transmission of data and the ability to act on them today are opaque to ordinary citizens, but in view of a mass deployment of the system both these as political parties will ask the relevant authority, the State, about the degree of inviolability of the system. disappear private actors such as printing, directly elected by each party for printing ballots and the suppliers of the capabilities for making polls, which is always a public tender. Although the amount associated with that clothing is low on the scale of the operation, the cost of printing ballots are often a source of conflict within the parties, both are never clear allocation procedures and the amounts incurred as much as the amounts actually paid. Also disappear logistics costs associated with physical transportation of empty ballot boxes, collection and security associated when full and all logistics of the State staff turnover and trucks for that purpose. Transportation costs appear electronic information, and the State must intervene to regulate on this point. The choice of local collection systems such data or the nodal transmission power within a network is another situation to be resolved. Thus, the application of ICT appears quickly crossed by the cultural, social and economic issues related to technological applications within a company, with aspects of the relationship between new information technologies and urban processes historical transformation and the fact that individuals continue to exist and taking entity despite these ICTs can anomie effect of exercise. At this point it is worth recalling, as defined Raympn Williams is his classic History of communication , that "BAT is necessarily linked in complex ways with the framework of knowledge, skills, social institutions which comes. " Hence the application of these technologies for the implementation of the electoral act, within the framework of a capitalist society has to generate some questions about the possibilities of a greater or lesser exercise of democratic freedoms in principle seems to promote.
Regarding the electoral system in Argentina involved the following laws: Constitution

Electoral Code (Law 19,945 and its amendments)

Organic Law of Political Parties (Law 23,298)

Financing Act of Political Parties (Law 26,215)
Roughly we can say that the vote in Argentina has these characteristics: it is personal, secret and compulsory (except for those who are exempt / as). This is so since 1912 when it enacted the Electoral Act No. 8871 (known as Sáenz Peña Law), which eliminated the qualified vote making it universal. Should be noted that universal was only for men because the female vote was from the year 1947 when on September 23, by decree, then President Perón extended that right to women.
No authority or person, corporation, party or political group can force the voter to choose a particular candidate or list. The system is a partial list to give representation to minorities, this is a representation proportional to the votes obtained. To be eligible to vote is required to be a citizen, because he was born in Argentina or be naturalized / year by choice, is eighteen years of age or older, not having any of the disqualifications under the National Electoral Code, and be including you on the electoral roll. Political parties are the necessary instruments to carry out national policy and are authorized to nominate candidates for elective office. From the point of view of the Finance Act, the mechanics of electronic voting would render Article 35 of the same, which makes clear that the State will grant the necessary resources to print one (1) ballot per registered voter per district in each game. elections, then show that the central issues at stake in the democratic system and political representation and aspects related to national security as to guarantee the impossibility of handling the data show that would require regulation by the state throughout the process of migration to electronic voting system in a specific way with a new law.

The same could not leave random topics such as:

* Software. The choice of an open source system does not imply support potential intellectual property rights in an act that makes the claim of citizenship.
* Telecommunications. The Internet access architecture is divided into three stages, backbone operators to national carriers bandwidth. These operators are private and operate according to market logic. It will be necessary to define requirements and scope for the traffic associated with the electoral act is considered a public service.

* Security. Critical infrastructure, power grids. Interception and interference problems in the data. Unlawful entry and espionage.
These items should be considered for safe operation.

experiences in our country so far are slim. There have been elections in Pinamar mayor in March 2010 and earlier in games San Isidro, San Martín, Vicente López and Berisso in 2007. At the time, 30,500 foreigners eligible to vote premiered electronic voting machines, developed and released by the National Technological University. At that time the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC), was invited by the Electronic Voting Program to the polls to give opinion on the operation of the system. According to information published on the site 168 Hour, María Inés Tula, researcher in the Political Institutions of CIPPEC and author of "Electronic Voting. Between votes and machines, new phenomena in the electoral process, "marked Two aspects, for it determines certain shortcomings: "The pilot did not validate the machine software, meaning that there was no evidence that all electronic voting machines have the same code. These activities corresponded to the trials Electronic Voting Programme Decree 1329/2004 of the Province of Buenos Aires. Also in 2007 in the town of San Antonio Oeste, province of Black River, the town fathers passed an ordinance repealing the adherence to the electronic voting system under the difficulties encountered in the previous election. May be mentioned delays, lack of data, technical failures that forced manual recount tickets.

FTEs. Electronic voting in Argentina, Dr. Alejandro Prince. PDF,
Chief Cabinet,, Fundación Carlos Pellegrini, www.larepú,, www . gobiernoelectró