PAMI. A New Paradigm? Press Freedom
The aim of this paper is to propose lines of research on the impact and changes that may be found in society from the progressive implementation of electronic voting system instead of the traditional cardboard ballot box our country. In March 2010, first made an election under this system with the full and undivided census gender, as previously had become isolated experiences in foreign patterns in different localities of the province of Buenos Aires. The question we try to answer is whether the change is merely technical, a simple replacement of the traditional wooden urn electronics that only contribute to increased speed and security in the act of counting votes and communicated or conversely, can expect changes in social practices that would bring the demise of the ballot sheet, eliminating the possibility of bringing the vote planned and prepared at home or from the interventionism of the leading politicians.
Categories To address these questions, we should first begin to define the concepts and categories involved. It is necessary to define what is electronic voting, who are the actors in the situation of an election and how we might find a change in voter behavior. then define e-voting as an electronic system for collecting votes. In this system, in principle, the implementation of info-communications technologies (ICT) is then limited to a system that applies to all or some of the activities of suffrage, such as identity verification, voting on electronic ballot, printing or not a check paper as proof, and global partial recount of votes and transmit results. and treatment in the discussion about the benefits and challenges of this new system actors involved in different fields representing the entire political system.
In the field of enforcement authorities are:
Ministry of Interior National Electoral Board
To complete the scenario are also the different political parties and voters finally appear. These have the disadvantage of third parties, individuals, who will have to talk to corporate policies and the state. Finally, there is a change of behavior of the electorate. The first thing that emerges is that we inquire about the preferences for the previous election ballot, considered and made in advance, versus the choice, meditated or not, in the darkroom. With the results of such research can infer possible friction with a system that does not allow prior preparation of different options. These frictions are likely to increase further if current cut of ticket increases over time as the elector takes refinement or in constituencies such as CABA that may be more prone to it.
conflicts displayed in the first place are the result of the problems associated with the change. Custom and current electoral culture has set the idea of \u200b\u200bvoting as a private event where citizens can choose between a supply of ballots and then deposit his ballot in the box. Ensure that the voter change that habit for a transaction similar to the options menu of an ATM is the first hurdle to jump, where surely the age ranges and socio-cultural gap will play leadership roles. The usual practice of the voters, both individually and organized by political parties, to attend the event with pre-prepared ballot disappears, and a possible source of tension to resolve. It is undeniable the possibility of breaking the chain of power that does this practice promote some parties and harm others. Transparency is another place where you may see conflict, since society reasonably confident in the current system of individual count per table, school, district and telegrams of communication. The validation and control mechanisms developed by propis interested-parties-seem reasonable intevención with the competent authority. The possibility of an electronic data collection, but safe and reliable in terms of speed and inability of local manipulation, opens the door to a possibility of manipulation information center, so that the state must resolve the conflict over the veracity of the data before the mechanism to be adopted en masse. The choice of system, if contracted to a private company or is developed by the state, the electronic channels of transmission of data and the ability to act on them today are opaque to ordinary citizens, but in view of a mass deployment of the system both these as political parties will ask the relevant authority, the State, about the degree of inviolability of the system. disappear private actors such as printing, directly elected by each party for printing ballots and the suppliers of the capabilities for making polls, which is always a public tender. Although the amount associated with that clothing is low on the scale of the operation, the cost of printing ballots are often a source of conflict within the parties, both are never clear allocation procedures and the amounts incurred as much as the amounts actually paid. Also disappear logistics costs associated with physical transportation of empty ballot boxes, collection and security associated when full and all logistics of the State staff turnover and trucks for that purpose. Transportation costs appear electronic information, and the State must intervene to regulate on this point. The choice of local collection systems such data or the nodal transmission power within a network is another situation to be resolved. Thus, the application of ICT appears quickly crossed by the cultural, social and economic issues related to technological applications within a company, with aspects of the relationship between new information technologies and urban processes historical transformation and the fact that individuals continue to exist and taking entity despite these ICTs can anomie effect of exercise. At this point it is worth recalling, as defined Raympn Williams is his classic History of communication , that "BAT is necessarily linked in complex ways with the framework of knowledge, skills, social institutions which comes. " Hence the application of these technologies for the implementation of the electoral act, within the framework of a capitalist society has to generate some questions about the possibilities of a greater or lesser exercise of democratic freedoms in principle seems to promote.
Regarding the electoral system in Argentina involved the following laws: Constitution
Electoral Code (Law 19,945 and its amendments)
Organic Law of Political Parties (Law 23,298)
Financing Act of Political Parties (Law 26,215)
Roughly we can say that the vote in Argentina has these characteristics: it is personal, secret and compulsory (except for those who are exempt / as). This is so since 1912 when it enacted the Electoral Act No. 8871 (known as Sáenz Peña Law), which eliminated the qualified vote making it universal. Should be noted that universal was only for men because the female vote was from the year 1947 when on September 23, by decree, then President Perón extended that right to women. No authority or person, corporation, party or political group can force the voter to choose a particular candidate or list. The system is a partial list to give representation to minorities, this is a representation proportional to the votes obtained. To be eligible to vote is required to be a citizen, because he was born in Argentina or be naturalized / year by choice, is eighteen years of age or older, not having any of the disqualifications under the National Electoral Code, and be including you on the electoral roll. Political parties are the necessary instruments to carry out national policy and are authorized to nominate candidates for elective office. From the point of view of the Finance Act, the mechanics of electronic voting would render Article 35 of the same, which makes clear that the State will grant the necessary resources to print one (1) ballot per registered voter per district in each game. elections, then show that the central issues at stake in the democratic system and political representation and aspects related to national security as to guarantee the impossibility of handling the data show that would require regulation by the state throughout the process of migration to electronic voting system in a specific way with a new law.
The same could not leave random topics such as:
* Software. The choice of an open source system does not imply support potential intellectual property rights in an act that makes the claim of citizenship.
* Telecommunications. The Internet access architecture is divided into three stages, backbone operators to national carriers bandwidth. These operators are private and operate according to market logic. It will be necessary to define requirements and scope for the traffic associated with the electoral act is considered a public service.
* Security. Critical infrastructure, power grids. Interception and interference problems in the data. Unlawful entry and espionage.
These items should be considered for safe operation.
experiences in our country so far are slim. There have been elections in Pinamar mayor in March 2010 and earlier in games San Isidro, San Martín, Vicente López and Berisso in 2007. At the time, 30,500 foreigners eligible to vote premiered electronic voting machines, developed and released by the National Technological University. At that time the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC), was invited by the Electronic Voting Program to the polls to give opinion on the operation of the system. According to information published on the site 168 Hour, María Inés Tula, researcher in the Political Institutions of CIPPEC and author of "Electronic Voting. Between votes and machines, new phenomena in the electoral process, "marked Two aspects, for it determines certain shortcomings: "The pilot did not validate the machine software, meaning that there was no evidence that all electronic voting machines have the same code. These activities corresponded to the trials Electronic Voting Programme Decree 1329/2004 of the Province of Buenos Aires. Also in 2007 in the town of San Antonio Oeste, province of Black River, the town fathers passed an ordinance repealing the adherence to the electronic voting system under the difficulties encountered in the previous election. May be mentioned delays, lack of data, technical failures that forced manual recount tickets.
FTEs. Electronic voting in Argentina, Dr. Alejandro Prince. PDF, Chief Cabinet,, Fundación Carlos Pellegrini, www.larepú,, www . gobiernoelectró
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