Friday, May 6, 2011

Birkenstock Sandals Dolphin Miami

National Political Team La Causa R: NO THE MUD is unthinkable to an election victory against the current government denounced irregularities

With regard to some statements published yesterday, which states that "We helped in the creation of Progressive Front made up of organizations that are not incorporated into the Bureau of the Unit including: La Causa R, Patria Para Todos and Ecological Movement .. "We want to make clear, to leave no doubt that:

La Causa R is part of the MUD since its inception and is primarily engaged its objectives and approaches. But since it is the first time we are witnessing similar statements by some spokesmen called Progressive Front that do not adhere to the truth of the facts and causes confusion, we reiterate that in our case, deprives the MUD as umbrella body of political organizations committed to democratic unity. This was demonstrated both in the elections of governors and mayors, as in the most recent National Assembly with the result known to all.

is as well that of Andres Velasquez intervention in the initial act of so-called Progressive Front in the city of Barquisimeto, welcomed the political forces that until recently shared the government's policy of distancing themselves from the discriminatory treatment Chavez and junior, but at the same time noted the need to go beyond any "front", to meet the social sectors outside parties who suffer the consequences of the undemocratic and exclusionary measures, which have already been 12 long years, and wish to remain in power.

without detracting from those pushing the Progressive Front, or any other, indicates that the officers of the Unit is the main link unit policy to approach all sectors of national life, whether or not the Front, but who are willing to participate in building the road to electoral victory of the democratic sectors in 2012.

Finally, we clarify public opinion that La Causa R has not yet chosen candidate for the primaries. Once all candidates are in the ring, choose to have us believe that fulfilling the conditions required to meet the 2012 elections and be the best to ensure the victory of the opposition and a peaceful transition.

For National Political Team, Daniel Santol

Sec Gen of La Causa R

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda

Baby Messages For Twins


this afternoon presented in the Auditorium Electoral Programme with which the eggs of the Aljarafe PSOE presented to the municipal elections. Over recent days we have been announcing some of the measures that make up the program, but from now will know neigh l @ s @ s in detail.

In preparation over the last three months involving all groups and associations of the locality and a number of neigh @ s that have sent proposals and interesting ideas.

At the same event, will screen a very interesting documentary that aims to show what has been the contribution that the Socialists have done and are doing in the task of transforming our socio-economic structure.

Both documents, the Elections and the Documentary Program will be in every household in the town next week, through a deal that will make door to door as usual.

I encourage you to attend this event, will be interesting and fun and help us tod @ s progressives to take the morale and motivation enough to be mobilized during these days of campaigning to go to every house in the village to explain the neigh @ s @ s our projects.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cruise Party Favors 18th Birthday

Libertador Municipality

Caracas 05/05/1911. (PS) .- Cesar Mora, a member of the coalition union of the Municipality and member of the Bolivarian Liberation Front in defense of self-employment, wages and the union, FADESS, reported Thursday at a press conference the "complacency" they have undertaken, the Labour Minister, Maria Cristina Iglesias as Labour Inspector Youlis Avila, in relation to the Mayor of Caracas, Jorge Rodriguez, "because they maintain a totally bosses and no chance of defending the rights of workers in the municipality of Libertador."

union leader explained, "In collusion with the Socialist Workers' Union have been devoted to worsen all collective agreements are within the Bolivarian Liberation Mayoralty, with the sole aim of ending the trade unions and their respective contracts. We have more than one and a half in a constant struggle for the Mayor to recognize unions and have only received part of his jokes. "

proposed to the Minister and the Labour Inspector to go to a union referendum sincerice the situation of the true representatives of more than 15,000 workers have the municipal government today. "Those who belong to the Socialist Union workers are a string of offenders released to finger Jorge Rodriguez to administer collective agreements with more than 25 years of existence. "

"There are over 15 savings banks in the Bolivarian Libertador Municipality and the Mayor intends to merge into one and naming themselves president of it. We live in addition to constant persecution of union leaders relentlessly. Jorge Rodriguez has launched 27 trade unionists who have been at the forefront of compliance with workers' rights, "he said.

said that corruption in the Libertador municipality is overwhelmed. "The city mayor Jorge Rodriguez has been reported to the Attorney General's Office, Luisa Ortega Díaz, the Comptroller General of the Republic and the Russian Clodosvaldo Assembly National. There are a society of accomplices who attacks the interests of the municipality of Libertador and their workers. "

Meanwhile, Luis Cano, a member of the union and belonging to FADESS IPASME considered "arbitrary" to talk about a new Labour Act when the current law is not enforced. "What it should happen is that the Labour Ministry should assume its role of mediator and not remain an appendage of the state as before. We have about 2,000 workers with an Order of reinstatement and 200 union leaders are reporting regime and the body has done nothing for them. "

added, "The famous tab the President submitted last Friday, only 500 workers benefit more than 2 million who belong to the public. Does not include contracted employees of the municipalities, governorates and missions. This is a government that claims to be workers and workers but showing all measures dictated otherwise. "

finished saying "tail" and pig spoken of the President and one can see the seam. "

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why Do Wires Usually Warm Up When A

All Textual

And no, I'm thinking about the big issue Gieco speaking of mediocrity and genius, but maybe it should.
in crisis in 1988 hyper, Juan Carlos Pugliese, then Minister of Economy of Alfonsin said about the order of "self" that they had done to the great Argentine business capitostes that famous phrase "I spoke from the heart I answered with the pocket. "
In 2009, Techint appealed to the Argentine government to defend Chavez nationalization and managed or managed by the Venezuelan government payments more than one billion dollars.
Because it was "an enterprise Argentina."
Now it is clear that it is simply a business.
Maximizing the rate of profit is their only goal and the Government will make a mistake, limited by an analysis that aims at a "gentlemen's agreement" between capital and labor according to the usual categories of Peronist discourse, if and tensions facing with and between these groups and the UIA, or even the CGT.
is what it is and I accept and defend what I believe it does well, but, guys, this analysis determines the limit of manageability.
But attention, not less.

Kidney Infection Brown Discharge Men

more development, more employment

The Socialists have been working in eggs of the Aljarafe to change the economic structure of our people and it must be based industrial development. So we will continue supporting foster the conditions for new investments come to town and new businesses to locate in industrial areas, which are already in place and others planned in the area of \u200b\u200bindustrial opportunity and approved.

The Socialist electoral program includes measures and actions to create more jobs, some are these:

will continue to promote basic infrastructure to make available industrial land for development of business projects.
• We will promote the new area of \u200b\u200bopportunity, with more industrial land.

• We will continue working on the new highway connection.
• Develop internship programs with local businesses.
• Make agreements with local small and medium enterprises to create more jobs, thinking about youth and unemployed people over 45 years.

• Help with incentives to entrepreneurs who want to be settling in our estates.
• Encourage support for new entrepreneurs.

• jobs programs complemented by comprehensive training.
• We will create a School of Education and Employment
• We will promote self-employment and entrepreneurial culture.
• Socialists bet for the reconciliation of work and personal life.
• Offer training to the real needs of the group of unemployed women.

• The challenge of the Socialists will continue to generate employment for local youth.

Ge Profile Dishwasher Power Failure

Pugliese appoint one walk

"We as shareholders Argentine retirees. Today we have the Government. It is a very important change," as published by The Nation , Paolo Rocca was dispatched in Houston on the issue of participation in the shareholding ANSES .
Of course, the reader of the nation with its ideological and cultural package costs in this statement means that the retiree will benefit from having "the grace" to own a stake in a business scheme that protejería.
A Chronicle reader surely say that if you put a mango a business wants to see the numbers.
The uncontrolled model investments in companies that only increase the value of the shares in the future due to market speculation, fancy way of referring to the gambling den that is the capital market in our country, but few dividends distributed constants and sounding is so gross that no longer holds.
But I guess if you want to buy, ANSES can reach an agreement on price and payment.

in the neighborhood would be more expensive and cash on delivery.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Poems About Cell Respiration

seek immediate medical attention to commissioner Lazaro Forero Vargas Hospital

Caracas. (PS) .- José Luis Tamayo, Commissioner Lazaro Forero lawyer, denounced Tuesday the refusal of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service, SEBIN, to move his client to a clinic to do a series of medical tests due to the significant deterioration in his health.

felt that once again violate the Constitution and the rule of law when officials refuse to comply with that order the courts of the Republic. "There is an act of March 14, 2011 signed by Judge implementation of Maracay, Dr. Lorena Moreno Riera where he directs the Director of SEBIN, Miguel Rodríguez Torres immediate transfer Forero the San Román Urological a prostate problem and a specialty center for eye care glaucoma which was diagnosed several months ago and the staff ignored the order of Judge. "

"Neither the Director of SEBIN, which is a subordinate of the judiciary, met, or the judge is enforced. This must stop immediately and seek medical attention Forero urgently as the SEBIN not have the necessary equipment for examination. Meanwhile, the vice president is only concerned with the events happening in the world while they are dying in Venezuela's political prisoners is criminal, "he argued.

announced that attend the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice to bring an action for amparo against the Minister of the Interior, Tarek El Aissami and SEBIN Director, General Miguel Rodriguez Torres, "To force them to accomplish something without need to press reports and to be doing all the time, should have done. "

He called on the Attorney General's Office and the Ombudsman to take action on the matter with regard to medical attention urgently required Lazaro Forero. "They should take into account what is happening with these people. It is possible that one has to beg the state to fulfill its constitutional obligation. "

Meanwhile, Yajaira Castro Forero, wife of the Commissioner, found that her husband was being implemented technically "death penalty" by denying the right to life and health.
"On November 18, 2010, my husband was done in the SEBIN a PSA test results came out very high. Since then he has been a real ordeal he has been able to receive timely medical attention. This is complicated by the appearance of a cyst in one kidney and present in both eyes, glaucoma, "he said.

He called the Catholic Church to intercede for the health of Lázaro Forero and implementation Judge, Lorena Moreno Riera "to impose his power as judge to ensure compliance with the instructions given to the attention of my husband. Do not expect to have an irreversible disease. "

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda

How To Write A Letter To A Auditor

The eggs of the Aljarafe PSOE has spent months working on electoral program which will attend the forthcoming municipal elections. Participated in preparing a number of people, through meetings and contributions that have given us and all the associations and groups in the locality.

Socialists have projects and ideas for our the town and I want to explain in detail. So, starting tomorrow, from this blog and the PSOE's ROE we are going to be shelling the contents of an exciting program, which took into account the needs of neigh l @ s @ s and also the economic reality in which we live .

Despite what they say, the 2007 election program today has a high degree of compliance. During this period there have been circumstances that have forced us to prioritize certain policies, but we have never stopped performing, most importantly, being next to people.

Thus, in this new program are especially relevant social policies, how could it be otherwise, given the times. Again, education and culture are fundamental axes. The bet for the future is to continue to enhance industrial development to generate more employment in the locality.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mixed, Wrestling, Blog


I want to present all @ s l s comrades who make up the PSOE's electoral list of Aljarafe Huévar in municipal elections . In our town we all know, is true, but it is worth to gain insight into the shape of men and women who accept the challenge and the commitment to work for their neigh @ s.