Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Poems About Cell Respiration

seek immediate medical attention to commissioner Lazaro Forero Vargas Hospital

Caracas. (PS) .- José Luis Tamayo, Commissioner Lazaro Forero lawyer, denounced Tuesday the refusal of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service, SEBIN, to move his client to a clinic to do a series of medical tests due to the significant deterioration in his health.

felt that once again violate the Constitution and the rule of law when officials refuse to comply with that order the courts of the Republic. "There is an act of March 14, 2011 signed by Judge implementation of Maracay, Dr. Lorena Moreno Riera where he directs the Director of SEBIN, Miguel Rodríguez Torres immediate transfer Forero the San Román Urological a prostate problem and a specialty center for eye care glaucoma which was diagnosed several months ago and the staff ignored the order of Judge. "

"Neither the Director of SEBIN, which is a subordinate of the judiciary, met, or the judge is enforced. This must stop immediately and seek medical attention Forero urgently as the SEBIN not have the necessary equipment for examination. Meanwhile, the vice president is only concerned with the events happening in the world while they are dying in Venezuela's political prisoners is criminal, "he argued.

announced that attend the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice to bring an action for amparo against the Minister of the Interior, Tarek El Aissami and SEBIN Director, General Miguel Rodriguez Torres, "To force them to accomplish something without need to press reports and to be doing all the time, should have done. "

He called on the Attorney General's Office and the Ombudsman to take action on the matter with regard to medical attention urgently required Lazaro Forero. "They should take into account what is happening with these people. It is possible that one has to beg the state to fulfill its constitutional obligation. "

Meanwhile, Yajaira Castro Forero, wife of the Commissioner, found that her husband was being implemented technically "death penalty" by denying the right to life and health.
"On November 18, 2010, my husband was done in the SEBIN a PSA test results came out very high. Since then he has been a real ordeal he has been able to receive timely medical attention. This is complicated by the appearance of a cyst in one kidney and present in both eyes, glaucoma, "he said.

He called the Catholic Church to intercede for the health of Lázaro Forero and implementation Judge, Lorena Moreno Riera "to impose his power as judge to ensure compliance with the instructions given to the attention of my husband. Do not expect to have an irreversible disease. "

Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda


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