Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why Do Wires Usually Warm Up When A

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And no, I'm thinking about the big issue Gieco speaking of mediocrity and genius, but maybe it should.
in crisis in 1988 hyper, Juan Carlos Pugliese, then Minister of Economy of Alfonsin said about the order of "self" that they had done to the great Argentine business capitostes that famous phrase "I spoke from the heart I answered with the pocket. "
In 2009, Techint appealed to the Argentine government to defend Chavez nationalization and managed or managed by the Venezuelan government payments more than one billion dollars.
Because it was "an enterprise Argentina."
Now it is clear that it is simply a business.
Maximizing the rate of profit is their only goal and the Government will make a mistake, limited by an analysis that aims at a "gentlemen's agreement" between capital and labor according to the usual categories of Peronist discourse, if and tensions facing with and between these groups and the UIA, or even the CGT.
is what it is and I accept and defend what I believe it does well, but, guys, this analysis determines the limit of manageability.
But attention, not less.


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