Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Last night, in a very interesting meeting where we met with friendly people and Mancu , Gerardo , Mendieta or Sentis , the agency TELAM , in the voice of its director, Martin Garcia and through MP Mario offered support content, data, photos, information for digital media. One does not consider all the time as "digital media", but as a group are broken down and discussed everything that falls into our area of \u200b\u200binterest, it is interesting that can be opened to access the information produced by Thelma-agency based news in 45 to break the information monopoly of the great international cartels, and monopoly means not shown.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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Washington (03/30/1911) PS .- (Special) occasion has been held on Tuesday the audience at the Inter-American Human Rights Headquarters of the Organization of American States, the wives of political prisoners Venezuelans, The National Press Club hosted a press conference this morning, so that media in this country have access first-hand the situation faced by those who are imprisoned in Venezuela for reasons policies.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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The 28/29 March 1968, Raimundo Ongaro launched this program, called the May 1 program found on the website of the Buenos Aires Graphical Federation. He said inter alia:
"The government that emerged with the support of the armed forces, elected by anyone, reduced import tariffs, monopolies enforced the law of the jungle-dumping, domestic manufacturers, sunk down. Those same monopolies, using foreign banks after the debtors executed, filled with credit to their constituents that money bought for the price of Argentine bankruptcy capital firms and national labor had risen in years of effort and sacrifice. This is the true face of free enterprise, free delivery, official philosophy of the system over illusory divisions between "nationalists" and "liberal", unable to hide the underlying reality which are the monopoly on power. This monopoly power with one hand annihilates ncional private enterprise, the other threat to companies in the state where rationalization is only the prologue of delivery, and tie the last bonds of financial dependence. Is the International Monetary Fund which sets the country's budget and decide if our currency is traded or not in international markets. Is the World Bank that plans our key industries. Is the Inter-American Development Bank that indicates which countries can buy. "
As shown, the class interests of defending the voice of multimedia are the same from Argentina Ongania. Raising the position of an industrial labor sector much stronger than today said
"The workers want comprehensive trade unionism, to be projected into the control of power, according to ensuring that the welfare of all people. The other thing is yellow unionism, imperialist, he wants us to deal only with the conventions and summer camps. "
and quoted Amado Olmos: " There are leaders, "he said, that have adopted the ways of life, cars , houses, investments and tastes of the oligarchy to which claim to fight. Of course with such an attitude can not lead the working class. "
43 years ago that this simple truth through knowledge of industrial workers and generates conflict. The speech-action policy also generates new conditions kirchnerismo dispute.
not be scared by that.
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I inform all followers of this blog, that from now until the next municipal elections (22 May), this blog of Rafael Moreno Segura have a more political. Leaving aside the condition of the Mayor and City Council of Aljarafe Huévar, I will discuss and reflect on political issues, the candidates who attend with me the elections and on the proposals contained in the manifesto that we present.
Thus I fully comply with the mandates of the new electoral law that applies in this election already called.
Monday, March 28, 2011
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I was sales manager of a Group company CIMECO (Clarin-Nation Lavoz of the Interior, Los Andes) The Gazette, La Nueva Provincia and Black River. The company had its printing plant in Pilar Industrial Park. know some characteristics of the actions of CIMECO, with its trading partners and employees. conflicts within AGR, the company that prints everything that is Clarín Group magazines - I find now that it seems to print something to the nation-are historical. The problem is not the sting conducted by the Federation Graph Buenos Aires at the gates of the printing plants, in alliance with anyone, because that is the right of workers to lobby and make visible the conflict with an economic group has always been known for not complying with court judgments. The issue is the sensitivity of the methodology, which sets out the Government in an action coordinated media response. This implies that, from the PJ and the CGT, if you want to amplification union conflict and has a clear goal (with maximum and minimum) should where possible avoid overexposure of the Government itself, thus requiring extremely intelligent political leadership of the conflict. That's where all the questions are fired.
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ALJARAFE (Rafael Moreno Segura)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
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Open Letter Cesar Camejo White.
Caracas March 26, 2011.
Honorable judges, we are all men of reason, in their case because they are called to enforce the Constitution, and the reporter because it comes from the business world.
wanted to be frank. I'm not going to comply with a decision that is against the constitution and the law, you swore that same respect. No convalidaré with my silence any nonsense that goes against the rule of law, order and civility, under which the Venezuelans want to live.
now, honorable judges, "is more than obvious, I have been illegally detained days after it was accused me a law repealed and what is worse, prosecutors objected, filing a charge out of the period, and not natural in court when they had the chance. Unprecedented in Venezuela's judicial history.
One man, driven by ambition and abuse of power, has acted against me. It would be good to reflect on the fact that a man like Captain Hernandez Behrens, Superintendent, we press, and it will succumb to it, then move or intend to move judges, prosecutors and the judiciary himself against someone who for reasons he created, considered his enemy.
I tell you, as demonstrated by the reality and the way it came out so late lace the Bank of Savings and Loan Home Ownership, we had economic problems. The undersigned is not the protagonist of those curious leaps from poverty to wealth in 10 years. My father and I have worked all their lives in this country, which is a town of opportunity.
In his hands, honorable judges, is my case. I ask no favors, but justice. I have not been allowed to defend myself, because my detention is arbitrary, do solemnly swear that I renounce revenge against those who today make my family mourn, but just remind you, honorable judges, raising the handcuffs on his wrists today took a man like tied, can not defend. I await your decision
adjusted to the law and the Constitution. Ask you to cease this arrest is part of what the United Nations qualify as "arbitrary" detention, and hopefully peaceful, aware of who is innocent like the Roman gladiators who died in the sand "Hail Cesar who die standing , greet you "
Cesar Camejo
Blanco. Prisoner in the Sebin
Friday, March 25, 2011
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leader emphasized, "What is happening with this reform is very serious and the consequences could be unthinkable, as the President is playing his last letter with the Bolivarian militia to turn their political cadres and supporters armed men in the service him and not the institution. With power, range and ability to command. "
said "The President is looking in the mirror of the Middle East, and pants Mubarak and Gaddafi, so that providing that a similar situation of revolt could happen in Venezuela or a loss in 2012 which is unwilling to recognize them chose to control who obey Him. "
"Those who warn that the Enabling Act had had a hidden reason. The President is using it for political purposes that have nothing to do with the emergence of the rains as was announced. The real reason is the absolute control of the National Armed Forces, "he said. Reform
Cipriano Heredia sees three key points in this law reform published in the Official Gazette number 6,020, which by the way it said, is the fourth amendment to be made in the past 5 years. "In the preamble to the Act, you are given an ideological content to the role of the armed forces when he says that is part of the objectives of the armed forces achieve greater political effectiveness and quality in the construction of revolutionary socialism. Resulting in that institution last straw. "
The second aspect that said the leader, referred to Article 66 of the law. "They belong to the Bolivarian militia, who, without exercising the military profession voluntarily express their desire to join it. Military roles and may even lead to a range of officers. This is not nothing but the de-professionalization of the military component. "
The third point relates Heredia, is expressed in Article 80. "Military personnel at all levels and hierarchy is subordinate to the officer holding the remote. This means that if a captain of the militia is present and also an army lieutenant, commanded the Captain of the militia because of their greater range. People without professional training but with epaulets made by Chavez, give orders to those who are career military. "
"The president does is play with the National Armed Forces as a doll with a high personal level improvisation, where every thing that is happening is then transformed it into law. This reform will have officers at the time of Juan Vicente Gómez, Eleazar López Contreras became known as Medina Angarita Poplar Generals' and stone montoneras trained and that all he knew was cast lead but without any military training, said.
wondered "Could it be a strategy to control the Republic Plan by way of the military on election day?".
urged the opposition to take the issue seriously. "The President is preparing to face the use of weapons and regardless of the cost of lives that could have an electoral defeat is not willing to recognize, as Rangel Silva forward. "
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda
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We just distribute to all neighbors Management Report for the past four years. It reflects the work we have deployed over this time and this has been our contribution to the development of the municipality.
A DVD disc could not put all the activities and initiatives implemented over the years, because they have been innumerable, which has been an overwhelming and impressive work. I can assure you that there is no record that 25% of actions. However, if you can all get a rough idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was done.
investment of around fifteen million euros, excluding staff costs. We are proud to have invested all that amount of money in people, through services and activities we have put in place. Despite the situation we have continued to serve the citizens. Clearly these data some are annoying and do not want to say positive things we did, they would have preferred that the City did nothing, they came in their best interests, but not to all the people.
Therefore, because we are proud, we went out to explain to the neighbors and locals work we have done. And soon we will return it to state what we do in the future because we have new ideas, new initiatives and projects to continue causing the change and transformation that is taking place in our town, thanks to the hard work of many people.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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the early hours of March 24, 1976 I found the question had no answer.
Those who were in exile in Argentina, looking for a place to live and resist against dictatorship, in my case it was prey to my grandmother , a dictatorship that three years ago we Uruguay had a lot of resistance activity, as my parents, thought that the court had closed for ever. I could not know that a few months later a guy disappear, a victim of Operation Condor, or dismember my family nor I would live only in Argentina. Only felt that 24 was a farewell to a stage where the possibility of social change is closed in a way that promised to be long in time, as the size of my own life. sad, lonely, and final, as the last line of the brutal Chandler novel that served as the title to the Gordo best novel of Soriano.
Today, I realize that in one way or another we have resisted.
fortify Here I am
and men in my idea.
In that race like me
to suffer and cry,
enjoyment and happy and I despise
Like me!
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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assured, "The President of the National Assembly received a direct order from Hugo Chavez: Taking the social laws that are more demanding than the people of Venezuela to have a social security system. The government sector informed us that they had no choice but to obey the order of Miraflores. Here the separation of powers no longer exists. "
"What do you want Chávez? Continue to handle and by pandering to social security. Every time an election approaches, he pulls out a decree which protects a small number of older adults which gives them a pension. Orders that are often unrealistic because people can not afford to complete the contributions that are missing and get the benefit of the pension, "he said.
added, "Hugo Chavez used his social security benefit, pulling it out in dribs and drabs and power thus become the" Taita "security and social welfare of Venezuelans for malevolent purposes. Neither willing nor interested in solving the problem which is created with a new social laws of universal and comprehensive social security for all Venezuelans. "
believes that this demonstrates the true essence of the government of Hugo Chávez. "Clearly this is no revolutionary government, much less socialist. The President has sought disqualified twice saying that our proposals are unworkable and that it is irresponsible to suggest that all Venezuelans have the right to social security. With this contradicts Article 86 of the Constitution which states that all Venezuelans have the right to social security system, yet having no ability to pay. "
Actions for inclusion of social laws
Alfredo Ramos felt that the time of struggle for social demands began with the government's refusal to discuss issues that are for the benefit of all. "We are organizing our people in the street, where it is necessary to take its toll. Next Saturday, April 9 will have a national meeting with unions, and retirees where to draw the strategies for a national protest to the inclusion of social laws as part of the legislative agenda of the National Assembly "
concluded by saying that the battle plan that will carry forward is made by 5 points: Reform of the Food Act, discussion of collective bargaining, payment of labor liabilities, pension law and law reform Social Security approvals for three months pensioners get bonuses "something that has always been offered and has never been fulfilled."
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
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The large group of seniors, and members of various political organizations focused on the early hours Esquina El Chorro University Avenue, where they chanted slogans expressing the desire to receive the Cestaticket while they were waiting for the various trade union leaders States of the country where the items collected for the reform of Article 1 of the Food Act.
about 11 am the large group of people became University Avenue in regard to the National Assembly under a heavy deployment of the National Police who were guarding the place, followed by the members of the Unit and the population willing to firms arrive at their destination within the Parliament.
The presence of a small group of representatives of the ruling that speakers announced their solidarity with Libya, while just seniors headed to the National Assembly did not prevent the march arrived at the gates of the Legislature .
Once inside and after a scuffle with members of the security of the National Assembly, it was possible that Members of the committee members who bore the signatures and media can enter the courtyard of the Assembly. The Speaker of Parliament, was met with Members and received at the hands of such a content related to all firms which made him surrender. Fernando Soto Rojas
said "Right now we are shaping the legislative agenda where we will work to social security. We just had a meeting with the advisory committee. We must evaluate what we are receiving today. "
Meanwhile, Alfredo Ramos, thanked the President of the Assembly for having kept his word to receive the deputies as well as firms that delivered him. "It is an act of justice to our pensioners who are waiting for this bill is urgent requests, and the President is asking urgently for Leasing Act "
" We appeal to members of government to in an act of human and social sensitivity, unanimously approved this bill with both hands so that our retirees have to eat. We have a million and half of older adults outside the social security system, "he said.
stressed that the aim of the Unit is that the National Assembly set as a priority the social agenda that involves creating a new system social security. "It is urgent to address the issue of pensions for many seniors, especially those living in rural areas who never contributed because the current law does not allowed them, without the possibility of a pension and are dying of hunger."
"Over 30 public sector institutions are currently receiving the benefit of Cestaticket and it is unfair that an employee of the government when you retire, you not only remove 20 percent, but the Cestaticket and bonds, thereby loses 40 percent of their income, "he said.
concluded by saying "Members of the unit we will continue along across the country to collect more signatures and forwarded to the National Assembly deputies to understand that this is social justice and human sensitivity. "
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda
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Monday, March 21, 2011
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March 21, 1685
Friday, March 18, 2011
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The Swiss ambassador confirmed that the Swiss Justice is investigating NO time to Moyano and his family but an investigation is undertaken in simplemete Based on press reports. of the State's Official Word based on information given by the Swiss State.
is what corresponds to do from the government. Moyano
If unemployment continues burner, it comes in other kinds of terms.
I'm on the court of Hurricane.
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Both the staff and workers, as well as a group of nurses, spent part of his time to work painting, carpentry and blacksmithing, with the aim to convey a clear message to the Minister Eugenia Sader "will not allow the hospital we fall on the indifference of the authorities, "he said.
Paul Zambrano, general coordinator of the independent movement independent of the health sector, explained that before the deep crisis in the hospital, all workers without political distinction, united by a common goal, "No leave the hospital to die. "
"The workers have taken the initiative to start the recovery of this health center so that the Government continue to work then we can not cover, such as waterproofing of 900 square meters of the roof of the hospital that is urgently needed, due to the large number of leaks that are in place, "he said.
thanked the Government Chief Jacqueline Faria, having been the only government official to be presented to the hospital to verify existing conditions of neglect. "We count on your support in the larger repairs because we are tired of turning to the Ministry of Health and being completely ignored with respect to what is happening here. "
"From an average hospitalization of 250 patients per month, we reached the terrible figure of only about 25 patients due to deficiency problems in the emergency, lack of doctors, investment, plus supplies and if we do not have many infrastructure failure, "he said.
added, "The Government must understand that we are fighting for the right to keep what is ours. This center is a reference to Venezuelan medicine and we will give battle to keep our hospitals die, so we decided to radicalize our actions working to recover what is a common good all alike. "
denounced the pediatrics area was remodeled and closed, a move that left without this service many popular sectors with large numbers of children who simply must be referred to other health centers. "We are willing to seek donations and even ask to Perolitos to raise the money it takes to recruit doctors and open this area sorely lacking in the industry."
protest actions
announced that March 19 trade union leaders of Carabobo State will march from the Elizabeth to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bValencia. "On March 22 we will march to the National Assembly to deliver the signatures requesting the amendment of Article 1 of the Food Act and to give him the benefit of retirees and pensioners Cestaticket. March 26 march in Puerto Ordaz with Ruben Gonzalez at the head of the mobilization. And the May 1 march from Parque del Este to CANTV on Avenida Libertador. "
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda
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Moyano Is the problem or a union leadership that has an array of enrichment that always verges on the suspect and torts?
The matrix is \u200b\u200ba union leadership that responds to a social reality, like it or not.
As I do not like, I think the fight must be done from within, as you would Tosco. I think the break or the dispute from the outside (CTA and leftist extremists in the name seventies) promote the hardening of these matrices, a reflection of playing the system.
But this time, Moyano must be supported, not defended. The defense is legal, if the order of the Swiss courts is inappropriate or unsupported is the process itself which will be determined.
The political attack the secretary of the CGT is to be answered, which Moyano take care as any walk of doing dirty business, and if so, which complies with the rule of law. Valid
response Guild strike, it is important Central alert, we need a government that dispenses to intervene and allow the defense to be made accordingly - I have my doubts about whether the Chancellor had to return the requested report as irrelevant and baseless and that it is an issue ripe for review - but to disarm the media attack the Central can and has resources that allow you to do.
The media discourse operates with the term syndicalism-corruption and all the time stick to the concepts of authoritarian populism "of control.
To disarm must be careful, I think looking from the perspective of rights-a defense, political participation, representation, the National Government, safety, work and decent pay - we try to separate the chaff from the wheat ... or soybean.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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"On Tuesday 22, we will concentrate on Esquina El Chorro and then depart for the National Assembly to deliver more than 300 000 signatures were collected throughout the country in support of this law," he said.
Ramos stressed that March 22 will mark the beginning of the fight in the country by the change in the pension system, which according to him, is a necessity that can not be delayed much longer. "We must ensure, as is as stated in Article 86 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for all Venezuelans, a minimum pension of survival approved the minimum wage and granted automatically, whose only requirement is the identity card and be Venezuelan. "
noted that there are sufficient resources in the country to cover a new social security system in Venezuela. "The price of a barrel of oil ended last week at $ 101 and the average estimated and calculated by the national government is that the oil barrel reaches approximately $ 90 barrel "
" There is a surplus for every barrel of at least $ 50 will be multiplied by two and a half million barrels per day produced in Venezuela, gives us annually about USD 20 billion would be sufficient to create a system social security for all, if they are not wasted, given away or used to buy weapons, "he said.
brushed aside statements by some government spokesmen have argued that there are no resources to address the proposal made by La Causa R. "We will propose further reform of Article 113 of the Law of the Banco Central de Venezuela, which provides for the establishment of the National Fund, for 50 percent of the oil surpluses are used for social security in three areas: labor liabilities payments, housing construction and the minimum pension guarantee of survival for those Venezuelans who have no ability to pay. "
warned that the body of law from the social point of view presented, are within the legislative agenda of Democratic Unity, "has decided to promote the social agenda for all Venezuelans."
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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ground plates collide. The capitalist world, eager to maximize the profit rate installed dozens of nuclear plants in an area thousands of years has earthquakes and has a name, TSUNAMI, voice of ancient culture to name the horror.
If I believed in God, I would think the same as Shintaro Ishihara, who declared the earthquake a divine punishment.
technological Pride with capitalist greed potentiate the damage caused by natural disasters.
Monday, March 14, 2011
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1. Lev Bronstein, known as Leon Trotsky said, "Without a guiding organization energy of the masses would dissipate like steam dissipates not contained in a boiler. But nevertheless, what moves things is not the boiler and the piston, but the steam "in the text history of the Revolution.
2. Vladimir Ulyanov, alias Lenin noted that "the workers could have no social conscience ... The history of all countries attests to the working class, exclusively by its own strength, is only able to produce a trade-unionist consciousness ... the doctrine of socialism has emerged theories philosophical, historical and economic conditions that have been elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes ... "What to do in the text, written in 1902, exemplifying the need for an alliance of sectors of the working class and the intelligentsia.
3. It's time to reread old texts with new eyes to reflect on the historical problems and methodological errors that have been left in the last fifty years to try to understand why we are in this historical situation. Since I'm not framed I can not say, but seeing the flags of PC Extraordinary Congress in the field of Hurricane me the thought inevitably arises.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Virginia Chaves Paula Escudero Silvia Gallardo and were called for "Cantando por un Sueño". Both have already proved to be talented in the baile.Repetirán their excellent performances in singing. Would you like to see in this new role? A few horasAngel de Brito gave the Primic in BDV program (Summer Well) that Pau is convened for the Singing 2011. Twitter is revolutionizing some believe and others do not. In my opinion I do not think that's true, it is always very embarrassing to paula showed the subject of singing, I remember that in a karaoke show kitchen refused to sing her own and forced the driver and other characters to sing with her. But do not know. We will await the word of Pau ♥.