Friday, March 18, 2011

Brazilian Wax Before Or After Period

Moyano Fondue and cheese

Moyano Is the problem or a union leadership that has an array of enrichment that always verges on the suspect and torts?
The matrix is \u200b\u200ba union leadership that responds to a social reality, like it or not.
As I do not like, I think the fight must be done from within, as you would Tosco. I think the break or the dispute from the outside (CTA and leftist extremists in the name seventies) promote the hardening of these matrices, a reflection of playing the system.
But this time, Moyano must be supported, not defended. The defense is legal, if the order of the Swiss courts is inappropriate or unsupported is the process itself which will be determined.
The political attack the secretary of the CGT is to be answered, which Moyano take care as any walk of doing dirty business, and if so, which complies with the rule of law. Valid
response Guild strike, it is important Central alert, we need a government that dispenses to intervene and allow the defense to be made accordingly - I have my doubts about whether the Chancellor had to return the requested report as irrelevant and baseless and that it is an issue ripe for review - but to disarm the media attack the Central can and has resources that allow you to do.
The media discourse operates with the term syndicalism-corruption and all the time stick to the concepts of authoritarian populism "of control.
To disarm must be careful, I think looking from the perspective of rights-a defense, political participation, representation, the National Government, safety, work and decent pay - we try to separate the chaff from the wheat ... or soybean.


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