Friday, March 25, 2011

What Does Aluminum Oxide Primer Do?

; ; (Rafael Moreno Segura)

We just distribute to all neighbors Management Report for the past four years. It reflects the work we have deployed over this time and this has been our contribution to the development of the municipality.

A DVD disc could not put all the activities and initiatives implemented over the years, because they have been innumerable, which has been an overwhelming and impressive work. I can assure you that there is no record that 25% of actions. However, if you can all get a rough idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was done.
investment of around fifteen million euros, excluding staff costs. We are proud to have invested all that amount of money in people, through services and activities we have put in place. Despite the situation we have continued to serve the citizens. Clearly these data some are annoying and do not want to say positive things we did, they would have preferred that the City did nothing, they came in their best interests, but not to all the people.
Therefore, because we are proud, we went out to explain to the neighbors and locals work we have done. And soon we will return it to state what we do in the future because we have new ideas, new initiatives and projects to continue causing the change and transformation that is taking place in our town, thanks to the hard work of many people.


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