Accompanied by Dr. José Luis Tamayo, Jacqueline Sandoval de Guevara, Tahianny Pisani, Yajaira Forero Peña and Indira Gate, had the opportunity to present cases for each of their spouses to the U.S. press, the which was very interested in knowing the details of the situation that each of Venezuela.
Lock Indira Peña explained that the political persecution against her husband by the government of Hugo Chavez and allies he has been consistent. "My husband has no criminal record and was not charged with any crime, however, the Venezuelan government had tried to stop several times before his arrest and brought to the dungeons of the political police Sebin 8 months ago. "
"Alejandro Peña Lock has dedicated his life to denounce terrorism in all its forms and from September 2009 had said he was subjected to political persecution in Venezuela. Paradoxically they put prisoners accused of having explosives in his house when he has always been against the use of violence as a political weapon, "he said.
stressed that his family has lived many years with the "stigma to be political objective "were considered enemies of the revolution that Hugo Chávez is carrying out in the country. "The trial of Alexander begins in April, asking the help of the international media to disseminate what happens to him. It is likely true, the judge handling your case does not act with such impunity because they have the eyes of the world about it. "
Meanwhile, Monica Cameron, wife of banker Cesar Camejo, attended both the hearing of the Commission as to the press conference, where he could be heard as to the current situation of her husband, who is also detained at the headquarters of SEBIN almost two months.
noted, "The case of my husband was admitted to the Commission for all the injustices that were committed against them. Today all the wives are united in the same case to seek international support for those who are persecuted for political reasons in the country, will receive justice and human rights are respected. "
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Media Solidarity
@ juanjoseojeda
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